Happy St. Patrick’s Day Hawaiian Style!

St. Patrick’s Day And The Spirit Of Aloha!

As the luck of the Irish has it, I found a video I did last year when I first starting a video blog.

Thought I would bring it out and share as it answers a lot of questions about St. Patrick’s Day.

With all the snow in Williams, AZ I certainly wish I was back in Maui doing Maui Morning Moments!

The video might answer these questions.

1. Why did St. Patrick’s Day get started?

2. What does green have to do with it?

3. Why did the Irish come to NYC in 1870?

4. How many people participate in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in NYC?

5. Are the Irish really lucky?

There you go… a little history with the spirit of aloha!

Have a safe and fun St. Patrick’s Day!

Get lucky and come register to find out about SMS tm.

Cosmic Cow Pie Carra Riley

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