Posts Tagged ‘Peace’

Joy, Peace, Charity….New Beginnings 2014

January 3, 2014

A New Year and New Beginnings can include Joy, Peace and Charity.  All ideas that can be incorporated in your daily life to bring that eternal peace and balance that will make you free.

Listen to the video with your eyes closed… drink in the message and let the Word inspire you.  Let your year be filled with Peace, Joy and Charity.   Feel the LOVE surrounding you and know how important you are in sharing kindness and consideration.

Carra Riley sharing joy, charity and peace in 2014

Learning to Love your neighbor as yourself, first requires you to Love yourself.  What qualities do you express that show kindness and charity?  Do you truly desire to be better this year than last?  Are you open to learning?

Please join is in asking 3 questions a day. 

  1. Who were you nice to today?
  2. What did you learn today?
  3. How are you better today than yesterday?

Keep a log of those 3 questions and you finish your course with joy.  You will be showing your beliefs through kindness and charity.   Your actions speak louder than any words.

Feel free to post your random acts of kindness in the comments so others can be inspired by your work.  Try this with your kids, with your friends, with your family with your co-workers with connections online.

We can make a difference one person at a time expressing LOVE and good deeds.  Living the Golden Rule and loving our neighbor as ourself.  Give, Give and Give some more.  Your giving is what makes “the present” a real gift.  it’s from you and from the heart.  It’s how you make people feel that spreads the love,  they might not remember the words but they will remember how you made them feel.

Make 2014 the year of new beginnings with Joy, Peace and Charity.  

Peace, Love and Light in 2014

January 1, 2014

Love and light

Thinking about the #BostonMarathon 2013

April 16, 2013

Boston thoughts


What are your thoughts on what we can do to heal the unrest found around the world?


April 16, 2013


After The Storm?

October 31, 2012

What happens after the storm?

What happens after the storm?

Hurricane Sandy has just devastated the east coast like no other storm in our recent history! To rebuild the ruble is going to take billions of dollars and human beings helping one another like never before.

Could this be a sign of how we need to pull together to get our nation from under the “turmoil” it is experiencing.  Will the storm be over after November 6, 2012 or will it be SSDD ~ that is “Same Stuff Different Day.”

Sandy came along and for me it was a flashing light, like a beacon on the shore for ships at sea. I  have been thinking about this post since mid October when I filled out my election ballot and mailed it in.  Millions of dollars were going to be spent in the next 30 days in waste for the commercials and flyers for a few undecided voters who could change the election… REALLY, should those final few waiting till the last minute be the “special interest group” that determines the fate of the direction our country will go?

Think about it, what 30 second “negative” commercial is going to change someone’s mind who can read, think and reason on their own.  I am sorry, if you are reading this and are letting television commercials help make your Presidential and Congressional candidate decisions you are not utilizing all your own reasoning power!  The media is SELLING you what they want you to buy… and many times the message is NOT factual.  It’s the media spin to manipulate you to do what they want.

The time has come for all good men (generic term) to take a stand and DEMAND some real change.  Let the news cover the Democratic and Republican National Conventions along with the televised debates and let social media do the rest of the campaign.  Let the political parties put their money where it helps the PEOPLE not the party.  The political paybacks are not worth the investment of the American people.

Most of my friends had already made their minds up and knew who they were voting for after the convention and debates. The constant stream of facebook, google+ and twitter posts for someones candidate is annoying beyond belief.  Sharing statements that are not correct makes the initiator look like an imbecile. 

Discussing the concept of  “after the storm” what are the people who have been SHOUTING their strong beliefs going to feel like if their candidate loses on November 6th?  How do they take back all those unkind words and cartoons which exuded hate when the candidate does not win?

There WILL be anxiety for some when their candidate is the loser, so preparing for that possibility will help in maintaining balance if you process it NOW.

Face the facts,  there will be a winner and a loser.  Some will be happy and some will not.  You are going to need to build a bridge and walk on over it if we are to heal this nation and come together as a united front.

Neighborhoods on the east coast and community services are all going to have to work together to rebuild the natural disaster we have just experienced.  The same principles are going to be needed to reconstruct our nation.  Compassion, kindness, forgiveness, consideration, patience and ingenuity are all qualities which need to be incorporated in our daily lives to rise above the horrific mess we are in financially.

Let’s take all the fear out of the politics that are out there.  Think about who directs and controls your life right now?  You need to TRUST and know that you will still be directed and controlled by the same Principle that has been in effect since the beginning of time.  This is a personal decision and you control your thoughts on this one!  Take responsibility for your own thoughts, you are in control of your own fear.

The candidate who gets elected on November 6, 2012 needs our support and positive thoughts. Each candidate talks about “crossing the lines” to help the American public, lets support them in doing it.  This should not be campaign rhetoric, both sides need to walk the walk, AFTER THE STORM!

We need to think about the concept from our  personal perspective and realize we are going to have to “cross the line” with our individual thoughts and work together as a Nation to correct this ”monster” debt and unemployment situation.  We have a part to play in the process and that is to be the BEST American’s we can be, supporting our Congress and President no matter what party gets elected.

“You must be the change you want to see in the world”  Mahatma Gandhi.  He was a man of power, a man of peace and he changed the world.

Ask yourself, what are you doing to make a difference?

We need to think about the future, we need new energy sources, we need to recycle, we need to develop cars that are fuel-efficient, we need to get rid of all the excess that is tearing our country apart.  We need to start with ourselves and think about what we are doing to facilitate the changes that are needed.  We need to love our neighbor before we can have world peace.  We HAVE to reach “across the isle” if our favorite candidate does not win and see what we can do to make things different and change the destruction from within  going on right now.

You and I are the difference in America. It is NOT the Republicans or the Democrats.  It is us and the way we behave.  The way we reach out, the way we help others, the way we treat the environment, the way we love one another.  The same way we will have to come together “after the storm” with Sandy. The American Red Cross and Salvation Army need our donations NOW!

Apply the universal concept of the Golden Rule, in this time of escalated challenges.  “Treating others as you would like to be treated” is a moral Principle, found in the teachings around the globe. It can dissolve the anger and lead to peace one day!

Please think about this, if you were the newly elected President, how would you want to be treated?  Then, let your individual answer direct your actions.

What will you do “after the storm?”

International Peace Day 2012

September 21, 2012

Step into the beam of peace1 sn2 Peace Day and You!

Friday September 21, 2012 is International Peace Day.

Have you seen the light? 

How do you fit in with peace?

Can you make a difference?

What can you do? 

We have two fun and easy ideas that you can do by Posting Photos for Peace on a facebook event and a Google+ event

Google+ friends sponsoring this event +miriam dunn  Canada   +Carra Riley   Arizona +Gene Mundt  Chicagoland Illinois +Tric Weyerbacher Ortiz  Florida  +Ronnie Bincer  Colorado   +Shira Gal   Israel  +Sadie-Michaela Harris  France +Luis Galarza  California  +Margaret Tompkins   Kansas City, Missouri  +Charles Lupica  Switzerland  +Robin Griggs Wood  from midwest USA and +Donna St. Pierre  from Rhode Island USA

Watch LIVE streaming in London with the Peace One Day organization that was instrumental in starting the International Peace Day in 2001 and a world class concert with Elton John, James Morrison and 2cello.

Join us by going to the event through the link, say yes, to going to the event, then upload a photo that represents peace to you.  Be part of the history making #peacecircle connecting people from around the world through photos! 

sign Sunday 800x600 Peace Day and You!

What did these men think about in their man cave?

  1. Gandhi
  2. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
  3. Martin Mandela
  4. Jesus
  5. Albert Einstein

A funny friend on google+ said “well if it was lunch time they would be thinking about what they wanted to eat!”  That is so true.. except Gandhi at certain times in his life… but thinking seriously about these men living their dreams, they were most likely all directed in everything they did to reach the end goal involving peace with purpose.

Kit Cummings, author and international speaker will be sharing his most recent passion   “The Power of Peace Project.”  and  his thoughts on the 5 men of Power who changed our world.   Meet Kit on our blogtalkradio show, International Peace Day morning at 9:00 a.m. PDT  Listen on line or call in to (347) 994-1903 to join our peace talks!   He will be sharing his recent visit to South Africa and the peace movement going on there.

Kit on death row  Peace Day and You!

Kit Cummings is working with death row inmates and reaching out to “at risk kids” through the prison door to keep the dream going and promote peace from within.  He is doing amazing work for peace in areas most of us would feel like fish out of water.

Would you agree to practice the Seven Point Peace Pledge to help facilitate world peace?  Find out what happened at Georgia’s highest security prison with this pledge.

Peace+Pledge+ Peace Day and You!

“40 Days of Peace” began on the 25th anniversary of MLK Day and would continue for the following forty days. These twelve men chronicled their success, struggles and failures; bold men, some of whom are former gang members serving life sentences. What happened next is that they unknowingly started a Peace Movement that would continue to spread to many other state prisons. The “Seven Peace Doctrines” that they committed to and the transformation that followed is the subject of Kit Cummings’ new work and next book. Dr. King’s Dream lives on, and light shines brightest in the darkness…”

Celebrate International Peace Day with inspiration shared by Kit Cummings on Blogtlakradio 9:00 a.m. PDT Friday, September 21, 2012  Listen on line or call into (347) 994-1903 and speak your peace!

Are you ready to make a difference?

International Peace Day 2012

Thanksgiving has GIVE in it!

November 21, 2010

Two words sum up Thanksgiving, thanks and give.

Pondering the importance of the National Day of Thanksgiving unites us with thoughts of peace and gratitude.

Thanksgiving started as a harvest festival and is primarily celebrated in America and Canada.  It is a holiday to express thankfulness, gratitude, and appreciation to God, family and friends for which all have been blessed. Traditionally, it has been a time to give thanks for a bountiful harvest and loving relationships.

Did you know…..Thanksgiving in the United States was observed on various different dates throughout history? It was not until December 26, 1941 that President Franklin D. Roosevelt, after pushing two years earlier to move the date up to give the country an economic boost with a longer Christmas selling season, signed a bill into law, with congress, making Thanksgiving a national holiday and proclaiming it to be the fourth Thursday in November.

Our forefathers celebrated a year of abundance in 1621 at the Plymouth Plantation. 102 Pilgrims had arrived on the Mayflower at Plymouth Rock on December 11, 1620.  The first year they lost 46 original settlers but with the help of 91 native Americans they survived the winter and expressed gratitude for their fall harvest with a three day festival.  Traditionally, this has been known as the “First Thanksgiving.”

George Washington shared the first Presidential Thanksgiving proclamation in 1789.
“Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of almighty God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore his protection and favor – and Whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me “to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God, especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.”

Thanksgiving Presidential Proclamations help reinforce our need for peace and gratitude.

Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds. ~Theodore Roosevelt

Let’s make EVERY day a day of Thanks GIVING.  This year let’s live the “GIVE” in Thanksgiving together.

“Dear Lord; we beg but one boon more: Peace in the hearts of all men living, peace in the whole world this Thanksgiving.” ~Joseph Auslander

“Thanksgiving is the holiday of peace, the celebration of work and the simple life… a true folk-festival that speaks the poetry of the turn of the seasons, the beauty of seedtime and harvest, the ripe product of the year – and the deep, deep connection of all these things with God.” ~Ray Stannard Baker (David Grayson)

“O Lord that lends me life, Lend me a heart replete with thankfulness.” ~William Shakespeare

More thoughtful Thanksgiving quotes from the quote garden.

Looking for some Thanksgiving cooking fun?

140 Thanksgiving Recipes: The Ultimate

Recipe Collection!

Everything you could possibly think of for Thanksgiving…..

Here is a tool for your list from my friend Lucy Estrada !  Check it twice and have a great Thanksgiving.